Purchase point of turtle(tortoise)

The good pet shop will be found

It maintains inside the store cleanly?
Salesman kindness?
When you do not know the pet shop of the vicinity, please inspect the address of the pet shop with the telephone directory.
There is some smell inside the store, but the shop of terrible smell goes management of the creature and when it has not reached it is not mainly recommended.
Isn't the turtle being inserted in the cage which is not either 2 times that length of the shell of the turtle?
Isn't the Keeping water dirty? Are the droppings removed?
Are the heater and the insulative light installed?
The insulative light, the film heater and the ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION fluorescent light, as for the feed of the turtle is there a store?
Because, there is a store which is not the necessary supplies even at the store which sells the expensive turtle please note.
As for the large-sized comprehensive pet shop selling the turtle and the Keeping instrument cheaply, is good. But, when the salesman you do not know excessively concerning the thing of the turtle, because it is, please note. The reptilia specialty store is detailed concerning the thing of the turtle.

How to choose the turtle


I think that the selection of turtle or tortoise, is first problem. The turtle is longevity. Therefore, I think that you should choose prudently.
Also it is good to choose the turtle(tortoise) which it likes in pet shop. Beforehand, you inspect with the book and the net when, whether the turtle(tortoise) of some kind of type is, it is better. Because it is the creature, impression of the photograph and the real thing is different. But, you should inspect the type of turtle.
There is also a method of ordering. But, when it is not the turtle(tortoise) where you imagine, it is. Therefore, you should convey impression of the desired turtle(tortoise) to the salesman. Because as for A the kind which becomes large is, you should note. If the turtle(tortoise) becomes large, you must enlarge either the tank or the cage. Therefore, as for you it should inspect the turtle(tortoise) becomes which extent large.

*** リクガメを飼うなら ***
 リクガメは日中は気温の高くなる地方に住んでいるので保温してやることが重要になります。次に重要なのが強い紫外線です。 春夏秋と気温が上がる季節に外へ出せる(ベランダや中庭)環境が作れるなら紫外線対策はさほど重要にはならないと思いますが、 室内での飼育では保温と紫外線の為に保温ランプと紫外線蛍光灯が必ず必要です。
 リクガメのほとんどが草食性なので、エサは野菜が主です。あまりに大きくなったら困る場合は、ある程度リクガメが成長したらキャベツを与えるといいです。 スーパーのキャベツ売り場で、廃棄するキャベツの外側をもらえば、エサ代も節約できます。注意したいのは幼体でカルシウムを多く必要としているリクガメなら やはり、小松菜、チンゲン菜、大根の葉を主に与えるべきです。

*** ハコガメを飼うなら ***
 ハコガメは、じめじめした湿地帯にいる種がほとんどなので、1~2cmほどの水場と陸場が必要になります。ハコガメはリクガメほど気温を高くする必要ないですが、 やはり保温は必要です。紫外線もリクガメほど必要ではないですが、春夏秋の気温が上がる季節はベランダか中庭に出せる環境が作れる事が理想です。 曇りや一日中日陰の場所でも、紫外線蛍光灯のUVよりも太陽の光の紫外線の方が、はるかに効果的です。 ハコガメはあまり大きくならない種がほとんどなので、飼育環境が広く取れなくても飼育は可能です。
 ハコガメは雑種なので、コオロギなどの小さな昆虫を好んで食べているようですが、飼育下では水棲ガメ用の配合飼料を水でふやかした物を与えるといいと思います。 配合飼料を食べるのでエサの確保は簡単にできます。

*** 水棲ガメを飼うなら ***
 水棲ガメの中でも、ほとんど水の中で生活する種のカメと、陸にも時々あがる種のカメ、休む時は、ほとんど陸上で生活する種のカメと様々で、 それぞれに適した環境が必要になってきます。陸棲傾向が強い水棲ガメなら紫外線蛍光灯を長時間照射する必要があります。

The environment which raises the turtle will be arranged

 大きな水槽で深いところを作れる時は、ろ過フィルターを設置することができ飼育環境がよくなります。ろ過フィルターは、高価ですが外部式ろ過フィルターがいいと思います。 大きさも色々あるので水槽の大きさに対して大き目のろ過器を選ぶとさらに強力になります。購入したろ過フィルターにスポンジばかり入っている場合はスポンジをはずして、かわりにろ材を入れてください。スポンジは薄いスポンジ一枚だけで十分です。なぜろ過フィルターにスポンジばかり入っているかの理由は、ろ材よりスポンジの方が安いのでろ過フィルターの値段を下げるためにスポンジがたくさん入っている場合があるそうです。ろ過能力はスポンジよりろ材のほうがかなり効果があります。

Before you purchase the turtle(tortoise), it installs in the room which raises the tank or the cage. Keeping the totoise installs Insulative light, thermo- stud, film heater and ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION fluorescent light, plate of drinking water in the cage. The paper recommends the flooring of the cage.
Keeping the turtle installs Insulative light, thermo- stud, and ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION fluorescent light in the tank. When the gravel is inserted in the tank, it is expensive, but the filtration gravel recommends.
When making the deep place with the big tank, it is possible and to install the filtration filter, Keeping environment becomes good. The external type filtration filter recommends. But external type filtration filter is expensive. The external type big filtration filter is better. When the sponge has entered mainly in the filtration filter, the sponge is removed and, please insert the filter medium. Because the sponge is cheap, it has entered in the external type filtration filter mainly. The effect filter medium one is higher than the sponge.
You thinking of the growth of the turtle which you raise, should choose the cage or the tank.

When purchasing the turtle, note.


Case the desired turtle is not to the shop, if it orders, it arrives. Price of the turtle is different very much in the classified by kind. It is sold cheaply as for those and the like which have the scar in the body as a B class item even in the same kind. (Think conversely, if there is a scar in the aim turtle, that it makes to the reason cheaper than price of indication, the possibility is high.)
As for the turtle with the child and the adult there are also times when the beam of price is different. (The adult is higher.)
When the turtle which you want is as the store, the minimum it checks whether the skin does not hurt, whether it can designate to open the eye securely. When this time, the turtle is made to produce to outside the cage, you can observe securely. As for producing the turtle selfishly to outside the cage, the one which is stopped is good, probably will be. Asking to the salesman, it has giving the feed to the turtle, vigor often eats observes.
When it orders the turtle, most returns probably are unreasonable. As for first fault when it orders, small thing such as color of the shell does not understand. Price when ordering, the salesman teaches approximately price to you.

When the turtle reaches

 カメにエサをやってみてエサを食べるか観察してください。エサを食べない場合はエサの種類を変えます。配合飼料でもメーカーが違うと食べたり食べなかったりしますが、 一般的には配合飼料を食べない場合は、冷凍のアカムシやイワシなどを与えてください。それでも食べない場合は生きたエビやメダカ、子赤(金魚)をやります。
 リクガメの場合も水棲ガメと同じように食べるエサを早く見つけてください。ほとんどのリクガメが小松菜やチンゲンサイを食べると思いますが、 ペットショップで長い間リクガメフードを食べて育ったカメの場合は、ペットショップで食べていたリクガメフードしか食べない場合があるので注意してください。

When the turtle reaches. If even with the turtle of the kind which is skillful swimming, the turtle whose still 2~3cm is young, as for the depth of water making shallow, in order to be able to go to the land place and the water place the turtle freely, please arrange environment.
Trying doing the feed in the turtle, Does the turtle eat the feed? When the turtle does not eat the feed, type of feed is changed. When the formula feed the manufacturer is different, the turtle does not eat or does not eat. Generally, when the turtle does not eat the formula feed, please give the small sardine and the like. When even then the turtle does not eat, the shrimp and the cyprinodont which live are done.
When it is tortoise, please find the feed which tortoise eats in the same way as the turtle quickly. I think that most tortoise eat the Komatsuna and the chingenesai. But, eating the formula feed for a long time with the pet shop, in case of the tortoise which was brought up, because only the formula feed which tortoise ate with the pet shop there are times when the tortoise does not eat please note.