The difference of Green turtle and Mud turtle

  1. 成体になったときの最終的な大きさがミドリガメの方が倍近く成長する
    When becoming the adult, final size grows Green turtle nearly 2 times

  2.  この大きさが違うということは飼育するうえでかなり重要になると思います。日本の住宅事情から考えてあまり飼育スペースが大きくなってしまうと、熱心な飼育者でカメをうまく育てることができて、ある程度の知識があったとしても大きいゲージが必要になってくると最終的に飼育不可能になってきます。
    As for the notion that where size is different, when Keeping, I think as very much important thing. Thinking from the Japanese housing situation, when the Keeping space becomes large, Being able raise the turtle well with the enthusiastic Keeping person, Assuming that there was a certain knowledge, When large gauge becomes necessary, it becomes finally Keeping impossible.
    As for Green turtle maximum shell length 30cm, Mud turtle maximum shell length is average 15cm. Young Green turtle is sufficient the filter and the heater etc and with the 60cm tank which with such as pet shop is cheaply sold with set. But, in 2 and 3 years it becomes the adult and with the 60cm tank is small felt. In case of Mud turtle because even finally it grows to only 15cm rank, Mud turtle becoming in the adult, it can raise with the 60cm tank.
    As for Mud turtle it is optimum in the person who would like to raise the turtle which does not become remainder large.

  3. 紫外線の要求量がミドリガメの方が高い
    Green turtle the required quantity of the ultraviolet ray is high

  4.  ドロガメの中にはほとんど甲羅干しをしない種がおり紫外線蛍光灯が必要ないドロガメがいるなか、ミドリガメは甲羅干しをこのみ紫外線要求量も高いため飼育には紫外線蛍光灯がかならず必要になってきます。また紫外線蛍光灯では効果がすくないので暖かい日中には太陽の光に当ててやる必要があり飼育に手間がかかります。ドロガメは甲羅干しをする種でもあまり紫外線を必要としませんので紫外線蛍光灯だけの照射でも十分なため飼育にあまり手間がかかりません。
    The kind which the sunlight bathes almost in Mud turtle and it does not do the time, Mud turtle the ultraviolet ray fluorescent light almost there is no necessity. Because Green turtle likes sunlight bath and also the ultraviolet ray required quantity is high, the ultraviolet ray fluorescent light by all means is necessary in Keeping. Because as for Mud turtle the ultraviolet ray required quantity is low even in the kind which does sunlight bath, because it is sufficient with lighting of the ultraviolet ray fluorescent light, time is not required for Keeping. In addition, because in the ultraviolet ray fluorescent light the effect is little, it is necessary applying the Green turtle to the sunlight in warm day, time is required for Keeping.

  5. 幼体のときと成体になったときの全体の印象がミドリガメはかなり違う
    As for Green turtle when being young and when becoming the adult, entire impression is different rather

  6.  ミドリガメの幼体は色も美しい緑色ですが成長するにつれて徐々に色あせてきます。このことはかなり好みによると思います。体色が変わっていくことに魅力を感じる方もいると思いますし、逆に鮮やかな緑色が色あせてくるとがっかりする方もいると思います。
    Young Green turtle is beautiful green color, but as it grows, gradually it fades. As for this according to the taste rather I think. I think that the person who is fascinated by body color keeps changing it is. Or, When vivid green color fades conversely, you think that the one which will be been be disheartened it is.
    Mud turtle does not change like Green turtle becoming the adult, without changing dramatically, excessively. Because this does not change excessively, I think that the person who is felt that it is not funny, it is. Or, Because while it is unique style conversely it becomes the adult I think that the person who feels charm it is.

  7. 値段がミドリガメの方が断然安い
    Green turtle price is cheaper very

  8.  500円以下で売られることがあるミドリガメに対してドロガメは安くても3000円くらいはします。しかしドロガメは紫外線の必要量が少ないことや、あまり大きくならないことから飼育ゲージも60cm水槽でも可能なため準備する飼育環境から考えて、最終的にはドロガメのほうがミドリガメよりも飼育コストが低くなる場合があると思います。
    As for the Green turtle there are times when it is sold for 500 Yen or less. Mud turtle when being cheap even, costs about 3000 Yen.
    But Mud turtle the necessary quantity of the ultraviolet ray is little, Mud turtle excessively does not become large And As for the Mud turtle Keeping is possible with the 60cm tank. From thing above. Thinking from the Keeping environment which it prepares, I think that finally Mud turtle one Green turtle compared to are times when Keeping cost becomes low.

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